Our Governors
School Governors
Role of the Governing Board
The role of a governor is to contribute to the work of the Governing Board in ensuring high standards of achievement for all children.
The main responsibilities of a Governor
- As part of a team;
- The Setting the strategic direction of the school;
- Holding the leadership to account for the performance of the school;
- Making sure that resources are used well for the needs of the children.
The Governing Board is made up of:
- Co-opted Governors (appointed by the Trustees)
- Parent Governors (elected by parents)
- Staff Governors (elected by staff)
Please find below details of how our Governing Board is structured, including the names, positions, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
The Governors can be contacted at any time via a sealed envelope marked 'Private & Confidential' and delivered to the Company Secretary at the school office.
Code of Conduct 2024-2025Governance Handbook on gov.uk
Meet the Governors (click to expand section)
Last updated October 2024
Name |
Position |
Date of Appointment |
Term of Office |
Responsibility |
Appointed by |
Governance roles in other educational institutions |
Business and Financial interests |
Emma Simpson |
Head Teacher |
01.01.2025 |
Melissa Byrne
Staff Governor | 23.10.2023 | 4 years | Staff | None Declared | ||
Jane Cross
Vice Chair |
18.07.2022 |
4 years |
Trustees |
Related to Sean Cross (NPS Governor) |
Andy Beech | Chair | 22.09.2022 | 4 years |
Trustees | Works at Marlborough Primary School | |
Kamran Hussain
Co-opted | 14.02.2023 | 4 years | Curriculum | Trustees |
AHT St. Saviour's Primary Staff Governor |
Sandra Cable
Co-opted | 27.03.2023 | 4 years | Wellbeing | Trustees | None Declared | |
Katie Burke |
Co-opted | 17.07.2023 | 4 years | SEND | Trustees | Works at Ulverley Primary School | |
Fadwa Hakmi |
Parent Governor |
01.03.2022 |
4 years |
Safeguarding, Behaviour & Attendance |
Parents |
None Declared |
Shabeena Ara | Parent Governor | 20.09.2022 | 4 years | Sports Premium & Pupil Premium | Parents | None Declared | |
Mrs Charlotte Taft |
Clerk |
Link to Governor training |
Attingham Education |
Date Resigned/End of Term |
Maria Nicholaou |
Co-opted |
31.08.2024 |
Attendance 2024 - 2025 (click to expand section)
Emma Simpson - Head of School |
2/2 |
Andy Beech - Chair |
2/2 |
Jane Cross - Co-opted |
2/2 |
Kamran Hussain - Co-opted |
1/2 |
Katie Burke - Co-opted |
2/2 |
Sandra Cable - Co-opted |
2/2 |
Melissa Byrne - Staff |
2/2 |
Fadwa Hakmi - Parent |
2/2 |
Shabeena Ara - Parent |
Attendance 2023 - 2024 (click to expand section)
Charlotte Nott (Executive Head Teacher) |
4/4 |
Emma Simpson (Head of School) |
4/4 |
Melissa Byrne (Staff Governor) |
2/2 |
Andy Beech - Vice Chair (Co-opted Governor) |
3/4 |
Jane Cross (Co-opted Governor) |
3/4 |
Maria Nicholaou - Chair (Co-opted Governor) |
3/4 |
Fadwa Hakmi (Parent Governor) |
4/4 |
Shabeen Ara (Parent Governor) |
4/4 |
Sandra Cable (Co-opted Governor) |
3/4 |
Kamran Hussain (Co-opted Governor) |
3/4 |