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Alston Primary School

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Design & Technology

At Alston Primary School, our DT curriculum, enables our pupils to gain experience and expertise in designing, making and evaluating a range of products, with a specific purpose for a particular user. We consider the user's needs, wants and values when creating these products. Our inspiring curriculum, allows pupils to use their creativity and imagination to design and make products that solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts, alongside developing their oracy and collaboration skills through group work. They are encouraged to become risk-takers and to question the use and reflect upon the effectiveness of the products around them and those that they create. 


Pupils gain experience working within 5 strands of design and technology: structures, mechanical systems, food and nutrition, electrical systems and textiles. We aim to guide our pupils through a process of iterative design where they are able to test, evaluate and improve their designs as they go. We draw on their knowledge from across the curriculum and their own experiences. Within food technology, pupils engage in a variety of cooking opportunities and apply the principles of nutrition and healthy eating when doing this. 


Alston Primary School uses the scheme of work provided by ‘Project on a Page’ to ensure that our pupils benefit from a progressive, broad and balanced DT curriculum. 


To find out more about the DT curriculum at Alston Primary School, please see the document below: