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Alston Primary School Proposed Resource Base Provision

In November 2024 Alston School submitted an expression of interest to Birmingham City Council following their call for more Resource Base places in the city. Our proposal is to offer an additional 22 places to children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder on the Alston Primary School site.

Current areas of the school on site will be adapted and refurbished so that more children can attend. A resource base will have lots of benefits for our current pupils. We are now entering the next phase of this exciting journey wish to consult with our stakeholders regarding the proposal.

As a valued stakeholder, we would be keen to hear your views on the proposal and will answer any questions you may have.

How do I find out more?

Below is a document which gives detail on our vision for the school.

You can find out more information regarding the Birmingham SEND Local Offer by visiting https://www.localofferbirmingham.co.uk/

You can also find information on the Alston Primary School website https://www.alston.bham.sch.uk/Resource-Base/ under the consultation tab.

A consultation meeting where you are able to meet with myself and other members of staff to find out more information is scheduled as follows:  Thursday 20th March 2025 at 9.00am at Alston Primary School.

Please email enquiry@alston.bham.sch.uk to book your place.

Follow us on X @alstonprimaryb9

Leigh Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales number 08779660. Registered office: Nansen Primary School, 104 Naseby Road, Alum Rock, Birmingham, B8 3HG

If you are unable to attend our meetings but would like a conversation with us, or you have any questions then please email enquiry@alston.bham.sch.uk and a member of the Senior Leadership will contact you.

You can also complete the survey below by clicking on the link to share your comments.


 When do I need to feedback by?

Our consultation runs until Friday 28th March 2025 inclusive and we hope to issue our final report as soon as possible after the consultation closing date.

We look forward to hearing your views and working with you to support the development of our new school provision.